Select the Right Corrugated Metal Hose

Keeping Industry Flowing

Corrugated metal hoses come in many configurations. These tools can help ensure you select the right corrugated metal hose for your application.

There are many components in a metal hose assembly and care should be taken when selecting each of them. Moreover, the components have their own unique technical limitations so it is important to make sure each of the components is compatible with your application. In much the same way as a “chain is as strong as its weakest link”, a metal hose assembly will only perform to the limits of its weakest component.

Once the components have been selected, the quality and skill of the fabricator assembling the components becomes important. The procedures and care used when fabricating assemblies also has a dramatic effect on the assembly’s overall performance.

Hose Master has invested a considerable amount of resources to researching metal hose fabrication and developing a state-of-the-art fabricating center. In addition, we share the welding technology we have developed with our fabricating distributors. All of this is done to promote quality and consistency in fabricating metal hose assemblies.

In this section, we will discuss the various components that make up a corrugated metal hose assembly, and what information a metal hose fabricator will need in order to make an assembly for your application. If you need assistance determining the information, we have also included an explanation of how to analyze the application and make the appropriate selections.

Specifying a Corrugated Metal Hose Assembly:

In order to make an assembly, the fabricator will need answers to the following five questions. For more information about any of these questions, or for a list of available options, click the topic heading for a more detailed explanation.

  1. Hose (type, alloy, and size)
  2. End Fittings (type, alloy, and size for each end)
  3. Length of the assembly (either overall length or live length)
  4. Fabrication options
  5. Accessories

If you have the answers to these questions, a metal hose fabricator will be able to make the assembly. If you do not know the answers to all five questions, you will need to obtain them. The next section is designed to help you determine the answers.

Analyzing an Application:

To properly design a metal hose assembly for a particular application, the following design parameters must be determined. To help remember them, they have been arranged to form the acronym “S.T.A.M.P.E.D.

  1. Size – The diameter of the connections in which the assembly will be installed is needed to provide a proper fit. This information is required.
  2. Temperature – As the temperature to which the assembly is exposed (internally and externally) increases, the strength of the assembly’s components decreases. Also, the coldest temperature to which the hose will be exposed can affect the assembly procedure and/or fitting materials. If you do not provide this information it will be assumed that the temperatures are 70° F.
  3. Application – This refers to the configuration in which the assembly is installed. This includes both the dimensions of the assembly as well as the details of any movement that the assembly will experience. This information is necessary to calculate assembly length and required flexibility.
  4. Media – Identify all chemicals to which the assembly will be exposed, both internally and externally. This is important since you must be sure that the assembly’s components are chemically compatible with the media going through the hose as well as the environment in which the hose is installed. If no media are given, it will be assumed that both the media and the external environment are compatible with all of the available materials for each component.
  5. Pressure – Identify the internal pressure to which the assembly will be exposed. Also, determine if the pressure is constant or if there are cycles or spikes. This information is important to determine if the assembly is strong enough for the application. If no pressure is given it will be assumed that the pressure is low and there are no pressure surges or spikes.
  6. End Fittings – Identify the necessary end fittings. This is required since fittings for the assembly must be chosen to properly fit the mating connections.
  7. Dynamics – Identify the velocity at which the media will flow through the assembly. Since corrugated metal hose does not have a smooth interior, rapid media flow can set up a resonant frequency that will cause the hose to vibrate and prematurely fail. If no velocity is given, it will be assumed that the velocity is not fast enough to affect the assembly’s performance.
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