Select the Right Corrugated Metal Hose

Keeping Industry Flowing

Fabrication Options

Corrugated metal hose is used in a very broad spectrum of applications. Just as the hose, fittings, and other assembly parts must be tailored to suit the demands of the service, so must the methods of joining these components. While standard production joining methods work very well for the majority of service demands, the following extremes may dictate special joining or fabrication techniques:

  • Pressures
  • Temperatures
  • Corrosion
  • Other conditions

Hose Master has developed specialized welding, brazing, joining, and fabrication procedures to assure the integrity and serviceability of metal hose assemblies in even the most extreme applications.

The fabrication options to be considered are:

  • Specialized attachment techniques
  • Testing options
  • Additional cleaning requirements
  • Packaging

In each of the following sections, the standard method and available options are explained. Select the options best suited for your application.

Specialized Attachment Techniques


Industry Standard

This method will be used unless another method is specified
Standard fabrication of an assembly generally consists of:

  • Cutting the hose and braid through a hose corrugation valley.
  • Installation of a braid collar over each end of the hose.
  • Trimming of any excess braid.
  • “Cap” welding the hose, braid, and braid collar together.
  • Cleaning the cap weld surface.
  • Placement and alignment of a fitting on the cap weld.
  • “Attachment” welding the fitting to the cap weld.
  • Silver brazing is also available. Consult factory.



Standard fabrication sometimes leaves a portion of the cut corrugation, or corrugation “lip”, just under the base of the fitting. In specialized applications this residual lip may not be desirable. To prevent any exposed corrugation edges from causing damage, the hose can be specially prepared for welding by cutting the corrugation on the crest, rather than in the valley, thereby removing the lip.


Smooth Transition Weld

For applications in which corrosion is a concern, all crevices and fissures must be minimized. Specialized hose and fitting preparation, in conjunction with proprietary welding techniques, is available to provide a full penetration hose-to-fitting weld that is smooth and crevice free.


Braid-Over Construction

Assemblies operating at the upper limits of their rated working pressure or in severe service may benefit from a braid-over construction. The fitting is first welded to the unbraided hose. Then a special metal reinforcing ring is installed over the fitting and next to the weld. Finally the braid is drawn over the end of the hose and the ring, and welded to the side of the fitting. This technique reduces the amount of heat introduced into the braid wires, nearly eliminates the heat effected zones of the cap and attachment welds, and maximizes the wire strength. Braid-over construction may also be used for specific high cycle applications.

Testing Options

Note: Always test an assembly with a medium that has a smaller molecular or atomic size than the service required.


Standard Leak Testing

Every corrugated hose assembly is leak tested prior to shipment. Standard testing consists of pressurizing the assembly with air and then submerging the entire assembly under water. This method is reliable and sufficient for the majority of applications.


Hydrostatic Testing

While the standard test is designed to detect leaks, hydrostatic testing is designed to test the assembly’s strength. Testing of an assembly to its full permissible test pressure can be economically and accurately accomplished by filling the assembly with liquid while concurrently evacuating all air. The assembly is then hydrostatically pressurized using high pressure pumps. The test pressure is maintained for a predetermined period of time.


High Pressure Gas

Testing with air under water, at pressures of up to 2500 psi, is available for specialized applications. For a more sensitive test, the use of gases such as nitrogen or helium can be requested.


Dye Penetrant

Dye penetrant testing is available for both leak and for weld bead inspection, in accordance with Hose Master procedures or to customer specified standards.


Helium Mass Spectrometer

This is the most sensitive leak detection method generally available. The standard test method is to attach the assembly to a mass spectrometer and generate a very high vacuum in the assembly. The exterior of the assembly is then flooded with helium. The relatively tiny helium atoms penetrate even very small openings and are drawn into the mass spectrometer where they are detected and the leak size quantified. Helium Mass Spectrometer testing can be modified to satisfy customer or regulatory agency requirements.

Additional Cleaning Requirements


The hydroforming method of corrugated hose manufacturing inherently yields a very clean product. However, specialized cleaning for specific applications is available upon request. Contact Hose Master’s Customer Service Department for details.



All assemblies are shipped with protectors over sealing surfaces such as threads and flange faces. Spacer bars are installed on all shorter double-flanged assemblies to prevent compression of the assembly during shipping and handling. Special packaging is available to suit customer requirements, including crating, plastic bagging, labeling, and custom fitting protectors.

Hose Master places emphasis on continual improvements within our manufacturing processes, product offering and services. Hose Master reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products contained herein.

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